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New Orleans

Double Tree 2150 Veteran's Memorial Blvd. Kenner, LA 70063
10:00a.m. 10/21/2023

Ignite Session

-New Orleans-

The Secret Place Book Club (SEG-WAY) is proud to take our IGNITE EMPOWER SESSION to New Orleans once again.  We are inviting all of our networks to join us.


Wendy Jones, founder of The Secret Place Book Club and Life Coach and her corporate team will facilitate the ignite session in New Orleans.



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Teacher's Recognition Program

Teacher presentation

Special recognition


Additional Information

-Bring your Business cards ladies for the women empowerment session!

-Networking Opportunities

-Interactive Discussion


We will make the most of our time in the 'BIG EASY'.


-French Quarters 
-Canal St. Shopping 
-Relaxation Time 


-Contact Deborah Zeno 713-598-4569



Featured Author:

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Our featured author, Nickolas Thomas, will identify the traits of a broken man, how a broken man affects those that surround him, and a broken man's road to restoration.

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The Secret Place Book Club is looking for volunteers to assist with their annual "I'm Every Woman" Empowerment Conference. If you would like to volunteer for this life changing event or for other upcoming volunteer opportunities please

sign up here.


Stay informed. Be inspired. Make a difference.


Tel: 1-647-715-3800

© Revised 2023 created by AshleyMone't            IG:IamAshleyMonet

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Ashley Mone't, Owner

Seg-way international is an amazing platform for business development. I launched my jewelry business and gained a network for other business ventures. Now I am the founder of Everything Chic Boutique Salon Suites.


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Rachel Riles,Coach

Personal development begins with good choices. Segway International provided a platform for me to cultivate healthy decision making in the lives of others. Segway International was a great choice!

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Shari Thomas, Executive 

As a director emeritus of the Seg-way international organization, I have witnessed tremendous growth of the organization and the careers and entrepreneural  pursuits of many.

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